
Our Sustainability Journey

Our commitment to improve our carbon footprint has been a focus since we began this journey more than a decade ago.

As part of our efforts, we assess the impact of our processes to the environment throughout the value chain using accredited entities such as Higg Index, CDP, and Thesis. In addition, we participate in programs as Project Gigaton, Packaging, and Fiber Surveys, all with the purpose of measuring and setting internal ambitious goals to make continues improvement.

We are proud to have achieved Giga-Guru status for three consecutive years. We have reported results to CDP since 2010, participated in THESIS since 2019, and began Higg assessments in 2021.                                                        

Our goal is to maximize Cupid’s environmental performance by consistently reviewing areas of opportunities that will improve our carbon footprint. We also are committed to making environmental management part of our long-term strategy that influences company decision making. Some of the strategies we are working on are:

  • Identifying significant environmental impacts in our operations.
  • Evaluating areas of opportunities for long term environmental management strategies.
  • Assuring compliance to all laws and regulations relating to environmental management.
  • Showing commitment of all company stakeholders, from the board of directors through the rest of the Cupid team towards sustainability.
  • Engaging with our partners in the supply chain to measure their environmental performance.
Following some of the initiatives taken along our journey:

Changed to 100% recycled resin polybags for all packaging used in private brand products.

  • Polybags used throughout the manufacturing process are now re-used before sending to recycling centers and are being changed to 100% recycled resin.
  • Eliminated 100% of polybag packaging for one of our customers in a mutual effort to reduce plastic usage.
  • Our product tags are recyclable and some of our private brand tags are now made from recycled materials.
  • Cardboard boxes used to transport our finished product to the distribution center are recyclable and were upgraded in strength to allow for re-use before being recycled at the end of their lifecycle.
  • Reduced the amount of packaging used when shipping our products to customer by eliminating excess plastic bagging and reducing shrink-wrap plastic used on pallets of goods.
  • Upgraded 100% of previously fluorescent lights to LEDs in our manufacturing location.
  • Upgraded machinery motors to more efficient models.
  • Installed smart switches system and light motion sensors in most of our locations.
  • AC unit upgrades are in progress across locations.
  • Upgraded air compressor to a more energy efficient unit in our manufacturing location.
  • Retrofitted digital lights to LED lighting in our distribution center.
  • Upgraded external lighting to solar lights in both manufacturing and distribution center locations.
  • Finished products are transported to our distribution center using container ships instead of cargo planes since 2005.
  • Monitoring and tracking all hazardous and non-hazardous waste as well as segregation, proper storage, and training of workers responsible for its handling and disposal.
  • Implementing reuse/recycling programs (paper, plastic containers, aluminum cans, newspapers, magazines, phonebooks, printer cartridges, cardboard, electronics, fabric remnants and others) across all locations, preventing tons of refuse from being sent to the landfill.
  • Reduced the amount of paper used in certain processes.
  • Upgraded order picking system to rely on scanner use instead of printing orders which, reduced our paper and ink use.
  • Eliminated single use dishes and utensils in manufacturing facility cafeteria by replacing with reusable dishes and silverware.

Additional programs we participate in include WRAP, CTPAT, ISO-9001, and we are actively working toward getting IS0-14001 certification.
